Boating Safety


Calusa Cruise Club members must attend a Coast Guard or Power Squadron basic boating course!


  • Keep boat and electronic equipment in good working condition.
  • Obtain weather reports before leaving.
  • Be conscious of changes in the weather and the limitations of your boat.
  • Know your boat's fuel consumption and carry sufficient fuel.
  • Check chart for course, distance, aids to navigate, etc.
  • Observe the rules of the road and extend others the courtesy you would like to receive.
  • Never overload your boat.
  • Have readily accessible approved lifesaving device for each person on board regardless of the vessel's size.
  • Periodically check the pressure indicator on fire extinguisher and dates on the distress signals to insure they are operative.
  • Carry at least one, preferably two, anchors with ample line.
  • Conserver your signals until you are sure of being detected.
  • Wait until you see or hear a vessel or aircraft before using a "one time" signal.
  • Stay with the boat if safe to do so - a boat is easier to spot than a swimmer.
  • A throwing device should be ready and available at all times.
  • Remember, you are morally and legally responsible for the lives and well being of all aboard your vessel.
  • Prepare a float plan and leave with a responsible person.
  • Every boat should have a safety inspection annually by the Coast Guard Auxiliary.